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Christine Jensen

Born 1979

Associated with The Art School 2001-2005 and 2009 to now ...

Christine's pictures are often very neat and sensuous.

Christine has a sense of detail and precision, and is very persistent and critical in her pictorial work. Her work has many facets.

Sometimes she works for months on the same image - and other times she makes fast dynamic works that are created in a few minutes.

All characterized by Christine's fragile line.

In recent years, her favorite technique has been etchings.


Copenhagen town hall, 2003
Helligåndshuset, Copenhagen 2004
Østerfælled Torv, CSB Copenhagen 2012

​-Connect- Outsider Art, Rundetaarn 2014

10th anniversary exhibition, Kunstskolen Kbh. 2015

Galerie Knud Grothe, Charlottenlund 2016

Gro Akademi, Hvalsø 2016

Art Naif Festiwal, Katowice, Poland, 2017

Fuglesanghus, Hørsholm 2017

​Rundetaarn 2018

On the trail of Picasso, KRAFTVÆRKETS Gallery 2019

Galerie Knud Grothe, Charlottenlund 2020

Galerie Knud Grothe, Charlottenlund 2023

Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen 2023

Art Association HK Capital, Copenhagen 2024

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